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Finished Writing? Now Check Your Content!
Review What You’ve Written – Make Sure It’s What You Want To Say
You’re Writing Your Book …
My TOPIC process guides you through writing your book — quickly and easily. You Title your book, create an Outline, Pose Questions, Insert Content and Check Your Content. TOPIC – easy, right?
If you’ve followed my process this far, by now you’ll have written your book. Congratulations! But we haven’t quite finished yet. Now we need to Check your content.
How To Check Your Content!
Once you’ve inserted your content — step four of my TOPIC process — we need to Check it. In other words, review it. And, if necessary, edit it.
Read it through. Is it clear what you’re trying to say at every stage? Or is there a better way to put what you’ve written?
You want readers to understand your content as well as you do.
Does your writing have a logical flow? Has anything been missed out? Is there any assumed knowledge you’ve not included? Any repetition? Any cliches?