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Book Titles | Book Writing | Book Marketing
How to Create a Better Book Title
Why Getting Your Book Title Right Is Critical To Success
The choice of your book title is crucial. It’s one of the few things (in addition to your cover) a potential buyer sees before they pick your book up. Get it wrong and it won’t get a second glance. And this is even more true for Kindle books.
There are several things you should consider in choosing a good title. Let’s look at each of these.
It Must Get Attention!
It should command attention in fact. It’s a little like a headline. So you can use headline creation tools to help you. There are several of these available on the Internet.
Your title should also pique your reader’s interest. It should make them want to read your book. Together with your subtitle, it should indicate clearly what your book is about.
Top Tip
You can use headline creation tools to help you choose your book’s title.
Subtitle Thoughts
Should you have a subtitle too? Yes — if your title is there to grab attention, your subtitle should summarise what your book is about. Your subtitle hints at why someone should read it. It…